The Priorities of Christ the King Presbyterian Church
Preaching and Teaching for changed lives
through the faithful proclamation of the Gospel and the relevant instruction of God’s truth for our lives according to the Calvinistic Reformed Faith.
of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with true affection and joy, sincerity of heart, readiness of mind…all according to the Word of God.
Promoting spiritual growth and providing pastoral care for all ages through the church-planting pastor and the (eventual) ministry of the elders and deacons with Bible studies for men, women, couples, and youth.
Training, mobilizing, and encouraging every member to use their gifts, talents, and passions to serve the Lord and His church.
through prayer, encouragement, giving, and serving, both at home and abroad.

Worship Services
Our church offers morning and evening worship services on the Lord’s Day. The descriptive theme of our worship is “joyfully reverent” as we use a variety of Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs from a various sources including the New Trinity Hymnal and solid, recent hymn writers like Stuart Townend and Keith and Kristyn Getty. Accompaniment of the singing aims to foster strong congregational worship, using a piano, and stringed or other instruments as is fitting for the particular piece of music, with some verses sung a cappella when appropriate. We also include a “Call to Repentance“, a prayer of confession, an “Assurance of Pardon” and a Confession of Faith in our worship services using passages of Scripture and portions of the Westminster Shorter or Larger Catechism and other Reformed creeds. The goal of each worship service is that when visitors come they would sense the presence of God as the whole congregation makes His praise glorious!

Church Atmosphere
Our vision is to plant a church built on the Word of God and the sweet doctrines of God’s marvelous grace as summarized the Westminster Confession of Faith, also using other Reformed creeds and confessions in the worship services. The goal of all our preaching, teaching, fellowship, worship, Bible studies, outreach and prayer ministry is that the God of hope would fill us with joy and peace in believing, so that as a body of believers we would overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
Our History
For years the Home Missions Committee of the Presbytery of the South of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) had a burden to plant more churches in Florida. After years of prompting by the Regional Home Missionary at the time (Jim Heemstra), Pastor Eric Hausler responded to the request to come and plant a church in Southwest Florida. In the summer of 2013, Eric and Donna Hausler uprooted from Ada, Michigan and moved to Naples by faith, believing that the Lord was calling them to move to the area to plant a new church. Through the rest of the summer and into the fall, Eric and Donna made contacts and built relationships with those interested in joining them in this new work. On November 3, 2013, the first public worship services were held at the Holiday Inn Express at the corner of US 41 and Davis Blvd. At the last minute, the promised conference room was not available, so services were held poolside for two Sundays!
Fourteen months later, the fledgling core group signed a lease to rent a 3,000 sq. foot facility at 3400 Radio Rd., and the first worship services were held there in February of 2015.
On Friday evening, April 27, 2018, Christ the King Presbyterian Church was organized as a self-governing and self-supporting congregation of the OPC, with Pastor Hausler serving as the organizing pastor, two elders (Mr. Jerry Baker and Mr. Bob McKeen) and one deacon (Mr. Bob Porter).
In March of 2021, the church began construction of a new, permanent location in South Naples. By the fall of 2022, worship services were held at the new location and in the spring of 2023, Christ the King Presbyterian Church celebrated God’s provision with an open house celebration. The establishment of this permanent location is only the beginning of an exciting, next chapter. It is the prayer of the leadership and congregation that continued expansion of the building will enable this church to minister to the people of Naples and
surrounding communities. To God be the glory, great things He has done! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Pastor Eric Hausler
Pastor Eric Hausler returned to the Naples area in July of 2013 after 15 years away. He was a church planter and organizing pastor in West Michigan from 1998 to 2013 and has now been called by the Presbytery of the South of the OPC to plant a church in Naples. Eric was born and raised in Iowa City, Iowa and is a graduate of the University of Kansas and Westminster Seminary California. He has served PCA churches in Coral Gables and Naples, Florida before being called as a church-planter for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church to Ada, Michigan in 1998 and now as a church planter back in Naples. Donna was born and raised in Miami, Florida and is a graduate of Texas Christian University. They have four sons: Micah (who is married to Laura), Timothy, Joey, and Daniel (who is married to Ann Marie and has one son, Judah).
Ruling elders are the particular representatives of the people, chosen by them from their own number, for the purpose of joining with the pastors or ministers in the government and discipline of the Church. This office is recognized in Holy Scripture. Christ the King OPC has four ruling elders: Mr. Paul Flores, Mr. Bill Kriner, Mr. Roger Rowe, and Mr. Carl Wilbanks, who are serving 3-year terms.

The Scriptures clearly point out deacons as distinct officers in the Church, whose work it is to take care of the poor, and to distribute among them the collections which may be raised for their use. Christ the King OPC currently has three deacons, Mr. Ken Kowalski, Mr Mauno Lehti, and Mr. Don Robinson, who are serving 3-year terms. Our deacons are assisted by many men and women in the congregation who assist in meeting the mercy and material needs that arise.

Our Brand
Our desire for our logo is to express the remarkable grace and love of God to undeserving sinners. The good news of the “crown of thorns”—signifying the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the dead—is the hope that our world needs. We believe our logo should embody the name of our church as well as this joyful hope and serve as a tool to invite others to hear the truth of our great Savior and King.
About Our Logo
Our logo is a simple but realistic crown of thorns with the text crossing at the mid-point, emphasizing that Jesus Christ is our center.
- The halves of the crown draw the eye from Christ to King and back again, allowing the type to express that Christ is our King and we have no King but Christ himself.
- This crown of thorns was designed with seven-point symmetry to highlight the significance of the number “7” in scripture.
- The upper and lower portions mirror one another in a reflective way that imitates light or water, hinting at the fact that we are a reflection of the God of light—made in His image and called to be lights in the world.
- The colors represent our special location in Naples and remind us that we all need to be renewed and refreshed by the living water of Jesus.