August 13, 2022 Mid-August Progress

August 13, 2022  Mid-August Progress

Things are on the move at our new facility!

Our porte cochere is about to look much different! Soon, the finishing touches will be completed.

Inside, some final tiling work brings us one step closer to completion!

We are now equipped with hydration stations. These water fountains are located in the sunroom facing Santa Barbara Blvd. All we need now…is  water!

Dr. Randy Baker and his brother Craig Baker flew into town from Grand Rapids to adjust the new sound system and to participate in the sound equipment demonstration on Saturday. Thank you to the Baker brothers!

Warmer drawers and convection ovens were installed in the kitchen:

Meet Cindy from Waste Management, who calls herself the “Dumpster Diva.” She delivered a dumpster to our new property on Friday morning


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